Image of Chayma Allam  💎 | شيماء علام from Instagram jumpsuit, blue, sandals, black-hair, residential-area, daytime
By admin from Instagram
9 months ago

Chayma Allam exudes chic modern vibes in a stunning blue jumpsuit, perfect for a sleek day out. The one-piece outfit beautifully complements her silhouette, enhancing her curves while maintaining a smooth, streamlined look. She pairs the jumpsuit with matching blue sandals, adding a casual yet stylish touch to her ensemble. Her long black hair is stylishly tied up, allowing her features to shine, especially with the subtle hint of her trendy sunglasses. This look is not only fashionable but also versatile, suitable for various daytime events or just a stylish ride around town.

Oops, I blue it again 💙👀

Caption via Instagram post

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